FibroScan at AGMG
Learn about FibroScan from the doctors of Associated Gastroenterology

FibroScan is a a new non-invasive way to determine the amount of scar tissue in the liver. AGMG is pround to be one of few centers in Orange County to offer this technology.
What is a FibroScan?
FibroScan is a simple painless test that measures the amount of fibrosis (scar tissue) in the liver. The test is similar to an ultrasound but instead of sound waves to create a picture, FibroScan uses different frequency sound waves to determine how stiff the liver is. Doctors can then tell how much scar tissue is in your liver based on the stiffness score.
When is FibroScan used?
- FibroScan is used in all types of liver diseases:
- Alcoholic liver disease
- Fatty liver disease
- Viral hepatitis (Hepatitis B and C)
- Cholestatic liver disease (PSC, PBC)
- Auto-immune hepatitis
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What are the benefits of a FibroScan?
- The scan will give your doctor more information about your liver condition and help them plan the best treatment for you.
- The test can be done quickly and easily
- You will not need any injections or anesthetic.
- You will be able to return home or to work
Are there any risks with FibroScan?
A FibroScan has no side effects and after having the procedure you are safe to drive, return to work and carry out your normal daily activities.
What happens during the scan?
Your scan will be carried out by a qualified health professional who will explain the procedure and answer any questions you may have. You will be asked to lie on your back with your right arm raised above your head. A gel will be applied to your skin on the right-hand side. A small hand held sensor is then pressed on the surface of your skin. The gel allows pulsed sound waves to pass through the liver more easily. The gel is wiped off at the end of the procedure
How do you prepare for a FibroScan?
Do not eat for 2 hours before your appointment
When do I get the results of my FibroScan?
Your test results will be discussed with you at your follow up appointment. A treatment plan for your liver disease will also be discussed at that time.