Hemorrhoidal Therapy at AGMG
Learn about Hemorrhoidal Therapy from the doctors of Associated Gastroenterology

Hemorrhoids are cushions of tissue and blood vessels in the rectum. They present with a number of symptoms including bleeding, pain and itching. Patients try a number of remedies including fiber, creams and suppositories often without benefit. The doctors of AGMG can perform hemorrhoidal banding as a more effective long term treatment for your hemorrhoids.
What is a hemorrhoid?
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins around the anus. Each of us has veins around the anus that tend to stretch under pressure. When these veins swell and bulge, they are called hemorrhoids. One set of veins is inside the rectum (internal) and another is under the skin around the anus (external). Hemorrhoidal tissue is actually helpful in holding back stool when we are at rest and in cushioning muscles when we move our bowels. Swelling can be caused by straining to move your bowels, sitting too long on the toilet or other causes, such as pregnancy, obesity or liver disease.
Hemorrhoids are very common in men and women. About half of all people have noticeable hemorrhoids by the age of 50. Many people have occasional bleeding from hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can become apparent in women during pregnancy..
What are symptoms of hemorrhoids?
- Rectal Pain
- Rectal Bleeding
- Itching
- Burning
- Pressure
- Discharge or seepage
What is Hemorrhoidal Banding?
The doctors at AGMG perform a minimal invasive, office-based procedure called Hemorrhoidal Banding. We use a system called the CRH O'Regan System. This is an FDA approved hemorrhoidal treatment that effectively, safely and painlessly treats hemorrhoids. Our physicians use a gentle suction device to pull in tissue and then place a small rubber band around the base of the internal hemorrhoid. Because the hemorrhoid band is placed up around the base of the hemorrhoid, it does not contact pain-sensitive nerve endings.
We love what we do, and we love our patients. We hope to see you at Associated Gastroenterology.
What are some lifestyle interventions for Hemorrhoids?
You may need to increase the fiber in your diet. Eat more fresh fruits, leafy veggies, and whole-grain breads and cereals (especially bran). Drink six to eight glasses of fluid (not alcohol) each day. Your doctor may suggest that you use a supplement such as Metamucil, citrucel that gives you more fiber and softens the stool. Softer stools make it easier to move your bowels and lessen pressure on the veins.
Good hygiene
Cleaning well after you have a bowel movement can help treat and prevent hemorrhoids. Bathe the anus gently after each bowel movement using soft, moist toilet paper. Avoid a lot of wiping. If needed, you can even use a bath or shower instead of wiping. After bathing, dry the anus gently with a soft cloth or towel. To protect against irritation, cleanse the anus gently and apply a zinc oxide paste (or powder) to the area. Medicated suppositories or creams can be found at the drugstore, but are mostly meant for external hemorrhoids. You can also try cold packs, a tub bath, warm soaks (a sitz bath) or bed rest to help calm pain or swelling.
The Hemorrhoidal Banding Procedure
- No preparation is required!
- No sedation is required!
- The procedure is performed as part of a regularly scheduled office visit often taking less than 60 seconds
Frequently Asked Questions
During the first 24 hours, you may experience a feeling of fullness or a dull ache in the rectum, but over-the-counter pain medication will provide sufficient relief. Immediately after the procedure, all patients are advised to avoid heavy lifting or exercising the entire day. It is important to take fiber supplements to help the digestion and prevent constipation. Be sure to get up and walk around every two to three hours.
If you have multiple hemorrhoids, you'll likely need to come back to treat each one separately - that way, your doctor can monitor your treatment and ensure the complication rate is kept to an absolute minimum.
The doctor will perform a careful history and physical to understand your symptoms. Often times patients will think all rectal symptoms are from hemorrhoids but there are a number of disease of the rectum that can present with similar symptoms such as fissures, abscesses, cysts or tumor. Often a colonoscopy will be recommended to ensure that there are no tumors or inflammation in the rectum or last part of the colon.